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High School (grades 9-12)

Contact Academics

High School Academics
Stephen Guerrero
214 339 6561 x4085

Director of Middle School
Erica Culton
Middle School Academics
214 339 6561 x4507



High School Course Curricula 


In addition to the courses required for graduation, there are courses college level classes available to our students.

Bishop Dunne's dual credit program is partnered with Dallas College which allows high school students to enroll in college and earn high school and college credit simultaneously at no cost to the student. Most dual credit classes are taken on our campus and taught by our accredited faculty. Students interested will apply to Dallas College before the first day of school to receive a college ID number. Once the ID number is received, students will contact Mr. Damian McDonald to provide their college ID number and their intentions to earn dual credit.  

In addition, students can apply to the Collegiate Institute in their 8th-grade year. If accepted into the program, students will have the opportunity to work towards their Associate Degree starting their 9th-grade year in the fall.   

A Texas Success Initiative (TSIA2) is required, by Dallas College, to earn college credit for all English, Social Studies, and Math classes. It is best for the TSIA2 English portion to be passed before Sophomore year and to pass the TSIA2 Math portion before enrolling into Pre-Calculus to remain on track of your college credit goals. 

For information or questions regarding dual enrollment at Bishop Dunne, please contact Mr. Damian McDonald at or 469-291-1851.  

dual credit/collegiate institute

DUAL CREDit requirements